Immediate fears of a recession in the UK economy were eased last week with the Office for National Statistics (ONS) latest estimate of monthly GDP. The economy had shrunk in April, but growth was...

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How many teaching colleagues have the same experience nearly every year when the majority of students hand in costly textbooks with barely a sign that they have been read?

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Danny Dorey-Rodriguez has written this superb reflection on the work of Professor Cesar Hidalgo from MIT who has contributed greatly to our understanding of how crystallised information and...

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The sugar tax was introduced in April 2018, manufacturers have to pay more tax the higher is the sugar content of the drink.

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A summer hat tip to Will Haines who has produced this superbly pithy and helpful guide to embracing life at university for his Year 13 students.

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Code breaker Alan Turing has been celebrated as the new face on the new £50 note. This is marvellous news, a recognition of the incredible work that Turing and others did at Bletchley Park. He was...

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Here's this week's economics news quiz. Good luck!

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The team at Promoting Economic Pluralism are hosting an event in London next week debating the relative merits of Basic Income and Universal Basic Services. It looks potentially useful for teaching...

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If you are looking for a quick quiz on international quiz and want to cash in on the biggest show on earth at the moment then try this multi-choice quiz entitled 'Strangest Things'.

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Here's this week's economics news quiz. Good luck!

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Win £200 of tutor2u Economics resources for your school or college by adding your opinions to the 2019 Economics Teacher Survey.

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A great example of how to think in different ways to get people to consider the social costs of using a mobile phone when driving.

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Thinking counter-intuitively - this ingenious advertising campaign by-passed a German law which taxed tampons at 17 percent and prompted fresh political pressure to reform.

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The bulk of economic growth in advanced countries comes from generating, testing, introducing and applying commercially ideas at the cutting edge. Here is an interesting ranking on the supply-side...

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New data finds that there has been a 3% decrease in alcohol consumption such that Scottish alcohol sales are at their lowest in 25 years. Is this - in part - the result of the introduction of a...

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Achieving universal access to basic sanitation is one of the critical Sustainable Development Goals. A new report from the UN finds that nearly 700 million people globally are denied toilet...

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Working age populations are in decline among several member countries of the OECD. The infographic below highlights the steepness of the decline for Japan and Italy in particular.

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Here are details of the 2019 LSE Economics Society essay competition for A Level students. The closing date for entries is the 1st of August.

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Ken Loach's new film "Sorry we Missed You" is s searing follow-up to the much-acclaimed "I Daniel Blake" and focuses on the lives and work of families in the Gig Economy in the North East of...

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BBC Newsnight has produced three special videos to mark the 40th anniversary of Margaret Thatcher becoming Prime Minister. Is the UK economy on the verge of another historic sea-change moment?

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