Oxbridge E&M - Management Blogs
24th June 2008
Students wanting to keep right up to date and strengthen their application for degrees such as economics and management have plenty of online resources available to help them. My advice to sixth formers is to stay well clear of management textbooks and the sort of “Ten favourite bedtime habits of successful entrepreneurs” that litter airport book shelves! Here are a few suggestions.
My own favourite management blog is the one written by Adam Jones at the Financial Times available here: - popping over on a daily basis to this blog is a superb way of picking up on controversial issues and to deepen an understanding of the management of businesses in an age of great economic, social and political instability.
John Kay’s writing has always been very accessible and full of insight. He has several books available on amazon and his own web site contains all of his recent articles for the FT and other publications.
I am also a big fan of Luke Johnson’s writing - he is particularly strong on issues to do with entrepreneurship. His column is available here: The Telegraph Business Blog is also lively and stimulating as is the Guardian
There are some articles available from Management Today but most of the material is for subscription only. Free Exchange at the Economist carries lots of interesting content including much that is relevant to management - for example these blogs on corporate governance: The full list of archived categories is available here:
Please do send some more in via the blog.