
OCR A2 Economics Unit F585 - June 2014 Pre-Release Stimulus Toolkit

Jim Riley

26th January 2014

Geoff's superb support resource for OCR F585 June 2014 is now ready. We have just sent out the resource to all the teaching colleagues who kindly pre-ordered the F585 toolkit. Apologies for the delay in sending it out (a couple of weeks later than planned). But, when you see the resource I'm sure you'll feel it was worth the extra few days. The F585 June 2014 is a real tour-de-force,providing unrivalled commentary and analysis for students as they work their way through the exhibits in the stimulus material.Some sample pages from the toolkit can be downloaded hereThe OCR A2 Economics Unit F585 - June 2014 Pre-Release Stimulus Toolkit can be ordered from our online store hereYou can also download and send us this printable order form

OCR A2 Economics Unit F585 - June 2014 Pre-Release Stimulus Toolkit - Contents

Some Themes in the June 2014 F585 Economics Case Study


Glossary of Key Terms in the Introduction

Extract 1: IMF Surveillance Report on the UK Economy

Fig. 1.1 – Selected Comments from the IMF on the Economic Situation in the UK

Why has the UK recovery been so weak in recent years?

Focus on Unemployment

The Pace of the Economic Recovery in the UK

Focus on Recession and Hysteresis Effects

Focus on Inflation

Focus on the Euro Area and Links with the UK Economy

Focus on Macro Policies to Boost Demand

Focus on Fiscal Policy – Balanced Budget Fiscal Expansion

Glossary of Key Terms in Extract 1

Extract 2: Fiscal austerity and the UK output gap

Figure 2.1: Comparison of the change in GDP in three UK recessions

Focus on the Output Gap

Glossary of Key Terms in Extract 2

Extract 3: IMF praise for fiscal austerity in Latvia

Focus on Latvia’s Exchange Rate and Balance of Payments

Focus on Competitiveness

Overview of the Performance of the Latvian Economy

Latvia and Euro Membership

Fig. 3.1 – Selected quotes from a speech by Christine Lagarde

Extract 4: Latvia and Iceland – Internal Devaluation v Exchange Rate Devaluation

Fig. 4.1 – Latvian investment and consumer expenditure (billion lats, constant 2000 prices)

Comparing Latvia and Iceland

Fig. 4.2 – Nominal Effective Exchange Rate Indices for Iceland and Latvia, 2007–11

Fig. 4.3 – A comparison of key economic indicators in Iceland and Latvia, 2007–12

Further Background Data on the Icelandic Economy

Glossary of Key Terms in Extract 4

Extract 5: Economic Development in Resource-Rich Economies in Sub-Saharan Africa

The meaning of human development

Fig. 5.1 – Major natural resource exports in sub-Saharan Africa

Focus on Natural Resources, Economic Growth and Development

Focus on Social Progress Indicators

Sub Saharan Africa and Progress with the Human Development Index (HDI)

Policies / Strategies to help overcome the Natural Resource Trap

Glossary of Key Terms in Extract 5

Overview of Data on the UK Economy in Recent Years

50 Suggestions for Discussion Questions / Exam Practice

Exam Technique guidance

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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