
Non-price competition - get a celebrity to fake liking your product!

Ben Cahill

28th October 2011

Getting a celebrity to endorse your product on Twitter is a marketing dream come true. But this particular endorsement turned into a nightmare for American fast food seller Del Taco after the equivalent of the “reply all” button was pushed!

Actor Rainn Wilson, most famous for the long-running role of Dwight in the American series of “The Office” left his twitter followers in no doubt as to the price his endorsement can be purchased for as well as his true feelings about the Taco’s he was endorsing. It may well have spillover effects on other advertisers if consumers (rightly) get suspicious about the ringing endorsements that other celebrities give.

And now for my completely unbiased endorsement - the American version is more clever, less crass, and overall just funnier than the British version. I can’t believe that this is true, yet still it is!

Ben Cahill

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