
New Regulatory Agencies Begin Work Today

Geoff Riley

10th November 2009

In A2 micro today we were discussing price-capping by industry regulators as a way of overcoming some of the welfare losses created by monopoly. The new much-expanded regime of regulatory agencies charged with monitoring prices and setting caps when appropriate is available here - can colleagues suggest some more? !!

OFFSET - carbon trading markets
OFSTED - education
OFFICIOUS - wheel clamping firms
OFF-PEAK - mountaineering companies
OFFLOAD - freight businesses
OFGEM - general energy markets
OFFLINE - internet service providers
OFFROAD - motorway service stations
OFFPUTTNG - exclusive golf clubs
OFFLICENCE - pubs and wine bars
OFFKEY - locksmiths and security businesses
OFFBEAT - digital and analogue music providers
OFFTHECUFF - clothing industry
OFWAT - water industry
OFFYOURFACE - businesses that encourage binge drinking
OFFICE - paper and photocopier suppliers
OFTEN - ten pin bowling
OFFSPIN - Indian Premier League
OFFAL - meat industry

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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