New House of Commons research report on carbon trading
21st February 2010
Published at the end of January 2010 I came across this excellent report whilst researching an updated presentation on carbon trading and carbon taxes. The hmtl version of the report from the House of Commons Environmental Audit Commission can be found here. The role of carbon markets in preventing dangerous climage change
Here are some additional links to useful recent news articles and resources on carbon trading and carbon pricing:
1/ Independent (David Prosser): Carbon prices are going the wrong way
2/ Business Week: UK Lawmakers Call for Intervention in Carbon Market
3/ Financial Times: Drax chief says carbon prices too low (19th Feb) - “Drax is the biggest single source of carbon dioxide emissions in the UK, and benefits financially from low carbon prices…..”
4/ New York Times: Fraud Besets E.U. Carbon Trade System
5/ Jeremy Warner (Telegraph): Here comes the next bubble – carbon trading
6/ Business Green: South Korea mulls a new carbon tax