
More Economics props - my class pets!

Ben Cahill

8th September 2011

I have three class pets that I keep in a cage / filing cabinet and often get them out to illustrate economic concepts.

- the penguin is my favourite (and my students love to dress him up). Purchased very cheaply at a dollar store, he has a weighted bottom so if you knock him down, he will just bounce back up! Perfect when talking about whether an economy will auto self-correct over time or whether a Keynesian stimulus is needed. If I let some air out of him then he takes longer to bounce back and if I let enough air out then he won’t bounce back at all.

- the snake is a great example when talking about public goods. As New Zealand is snake free (and we want to keep it that way), a lot of effort is put into bio-security at the border and this security is definitely non-excludable by price and non-rival.

- my little lizard friend (again bought very cheaply at a dollar store) has remarkable stretchable properties and therefore I bring him out when talking about elasticity (and tell my students it is amazing that he manages to avoid getting eaten by the snake…)

Looking forward to hearing about more!

Ben Cahill

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