In the News

Microsoft makes pledge to go "carbon negative"

Graham Watson

18th January 2020

Microsoft have announced that they wish to go 'carbon negative' by 2050.

The company is already committed to being carbon neutral by 2030 - such that it intendeds to remove more carbon from the atmosphere than it emits. However, Satya Nadella announced that they want to be carbon negative by 2050, removing more carbon from the atmosphere than it has created since its founding.

It's quite a claim - not least for curious students who might ask how all of this can be measured: are they including the carbon generated by their workers commuting to work, for instance?

However, in investing in a number of environmentally-friendly projects, Microsoft are going to great lengths to protect the environment and enhance the credentials of the brand.

Graham Watson

Graham Watson has taught Economics for over twenty years. He contributes to Tutor2U, reads voraciously and is interested in all aspects of Teaching and Learning.

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