
Marshall Society Essay Competition for 2013

Geoff Riley

27th July 2013

The Marshall Society at Cambridge University is running a competition with a closing date at the end of July. Details are given below:

The Marshall Society invite students studying A-levels and the IB in all subjects to write an essay displaying creative but rigorous application of economics. This year, we still want to see original thinking and solid arguments, but we'd like entries to pertain to current topics and phenomena in the global economy. You may come up with your own essay title or choose from these below:

1. How does economics explain the Gangnam Style phenomenon?
2. China's phenomenal growth rate for the past 30 years was the sole product of its one party rule. Discuss.
3. Global warming is good for the global economy. Discuss.
4. Politics is a subset of economics. Discuss with particular reference to the eurozone crisis.
5. The course of history is not inexorable; rather, it can be decided by individuals. Citing contemporary and historic examples, discuss.
6. Just as the devastation of the war paved the way for a new Keynesian paradigm, the stagflation of the 70s gave rise to Monetarism. Is the time ripe for the emergence of a new school of economics?
7. Is the concept of Socialism as an economic theory viable, both theoretically and practically? What about Communism?
8. Describe the economics of the internet.

Students studying in sixth form and below are invited to write an essay employing imaginative application of aspects from their A-level or equivalent courses and where necessary, drawing from real world examples to elucidate their argument. We recommend a length of between 1,000 to 2,000 words, but this is optional if you feel that you need more to get your point across.

The top entries will be awarded with cash prizes (£100 for the winner and £50 for two runners up), not to mention the halo status of being recognised by the economics society of Cambridge! In addition, the best articles will be published in "The Cambridge Economist".

The deadline to submit an entry is 11:59PM on 31st July 2013. Entries may be submitted through the link below. Alternatively, you can send your entries Please attach your essay to an email with the subject "Entry for the Cambridge Economist Essay Competition" and write on the email your full name, school and date of birth, declaring any assistance you had with your essay.

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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