
Marshall Society Economics Essay Competition 2017

Geoff Riley

7th May 2017

Here are details of the 2017 Economics Essay Competition being run by the Marshall Society at Cambridge University.

The Marshall Society, the Economics society of the University of Cambridge, is pleased to announce the opening of its annual essay competition. This is an opportunity for all students currently working towards A-levels, the IB or equivalent qualifications to demonstrate their ability to write a convincing and well-structured essay, making use of both economic theory and real world evidence where appropriate. Entrants are advised to make their essays as concise as the topic allows: the guideline is 1500 words.

As always we encourage students to come up with their own titles, but they should equally feel free to use any of the suggested titles listed below should they wish to do so:

  1. To what extent is micro finance a revolutionary engine for growth in developing countries?
  2. ‘Recent years have shown us that conventional monetary policy just isn’t enough.’ Comment
  3. Does China provide a feasible framework for other emerging economies to follow?
  4. ‘The twin deficits run by the UK suggest inherent structural failure within our economy.’ To what extent do you agree?
  5. Is it possible to predict the next recession, if so how and what can we do about it?
  6. ‘Economics is the study of the individual abstracted from individuality.’ Discuss
  7. Does the recent political climate indicate an imminent retreat from the economic liberalisation of recent decades?
  8. ‘The rise of businesses like Uber and AirBnB necessitate a greater role for trust within our economy.’ Comment

Entries can be submitted via email attachment to magazine@marshallsociety.com (please ensure that it is attached in either Microsoft Word or PDF format). The email should contain your full name, school, date of birth and a declaration of any assistance you received from teachers or tutors.

The deadline for essay submissions is 11:59pm 31st July 2017

The essays will be judged individually and the shortlist, runners up and winner will be announced by the end of summer. The author of the winning essay will also receive £100; the two runners up will receive £50 each. In addition to this, a selection of the best essays will be published in the 2017-2018 edition of the Marshall Society’s magazine, the Dismal Scientist. If you have any queries regarding the competition please contact the magazine editor at magazine@marshallsociety.com.

Terms and Conditions

Please also observe that by entering you agree to the terms and conditions listed below:

  1. Your submitted essay must be your work alone and any assistance given to you whilst writing your essay must be declared in your email.

  2. You cannot make any revisions to your essay once it has been submitted.

  3. Only students studying in sixth form or below (graduating in 2017 or later) or any international equivalent are eligible. Please note that you do not have to be studying in the UK to enter.

  4. Any personal data relating to entrants will be used solely for the purpose of this competition and will not be disclosed to any third parties for any purpose without prior consent.

  5. The essay that is entered may not be entered into any other competition.

  6. The winner, runners up and those with shortlisted essays will be contacted via the email used to submit the essay. Unfortunately, any other feedback will not be possible to any of the entrants.

  7. The Marshall Society reserves the final right, where necessary, to make amendments to the above terms and conditions and to select the winners of the competition.

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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