
Marshall Society Conference - Cambridge 25th January 2014

Geoff Riley

26th January 2014

It was a delight to travel over to Cambridge at the weekend to be a guest at the inaugural conference organised by the Marshall Economics Society. It has been nearly thirty years since I last stepped into the Union Society building (in my youth I spent rather too many hours on the snooker table there!) but, arriving in good time, I was pleased to see that the event was a sell out with hundreds of university and school students and a good smattering of interested folk from the locality.The event was smoothly and expertly organised by Ravi Prasad, LawrenceXu and their team and I am sure that it will go from strength to strength in future years. I was able to stay for four of the main sessions and some notes taken during them have been added to the economic blog. Please click below for details.If you run an Economics Society at your school or university and have a forthcoming event open to a wider audience please let us know so that we can publicise through our blog and regular teacher newsletter.

Marshall Society Session Notes

China's development, past present and future:

Poverty - new thinking about an old problem:

The emerging world and poverty - where next?

Working for the few - development and inequality:

Find out more about the Cambridge University Marshall Society by clicking here

Well done to the committee - a super job!

Follow them on Twitter!

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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