
Macroeconomic indicators - revision activity

Penny Brooks

18th May 2010

This is a quick revision activity that I have just done with my AS and A2 students. The aim is to help them to remember some of the current data which they can use in their essays and will enable them to gain credit from examiners for ‘Knowledge of the UK and other economies’. The challenge is to match the data given on the left of the table with the correct indicator on the right of the table - any students who attended the Economics Revision Workshops in London and Manchester the other week and listened carefully to Geoff’s presentation on Prospects for the UK Economy should have a head-start here!

As this is a word document, you should be able to add any other data that you want to, and update it as new figures are released. I believe that all the data given here is correct as at midday on Tuesday 18th May - given the dynamic nature of the economy, some of it will change in the coming days!

Student handout M_2010_Matching.doc

Answers! M_2010_Matching_Answers.doc

Penny Brooks

Formerly Head of Business and Economics and now Economics teacher, Business and Economics blogger and presenter for Tutor2u, and private tutor

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