
Macro ‘follies’ brought to you by EconStories

Tom White

9th January 2013

Arghh! Gutted that I missed this one just before Christmas, but those very witty EconStories people (who brought you the Keynes vrs Hayek raps parts 1 and 2 have been at it again!

If you are looking for a bit of festive cheer and a smile in the dark days of January, try out Deck the Halls with Macro Follies and see what you can pick out for thought and discussion.

Whilst I am recommending witty videos that are funny enough to show non-economists (what? You mean there are people who don't appreciate economics 'jokes'?!) don't forget to watch A Very European Break Up and its recent sequel A Very European Christmas ... you'll be guaranteed to like them, and will enjoy spotting the references!

Tom White

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