
Macro at the Moller - Fresh Ideas for Teaching

Geoff Riley

9th November 2009

The Annual Autumn Conference for Economics Teachers - Monday 23 November 2009 Venue: Moller Centre, University of Cambridge Make provisional bookings here———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-

Just two weeks to go before our Autumn Economics Teacher Conference at the wonderful Moller Centre, Cambridge University.

The day has a macroeconomic flavour but also some sessions dedicated to developing web skills for students and teachers to generate ideas and improve their evaluation skills.

George Buckley, Chief UK Economist at Deutsche Bank and a frequent commentator on economic issues on television will be giving us a comprehensive macroeconomic update.

Jon Clarke will be showcasing some tremendous economic policy simulation games and other PowerPoint-based economics resources.

I will be presenting on collaborative web tools inside and outside the classroom.

Ruth Tarrant and Amanda Campion will also showcase some of the most popular new economics teaching resources from their recent successful CPD programme.

The Moller is a terrific venue and we are looking forward to meeting up with old friends and new.

Accommodation is available for those staying on the Sunday night before our event. As usual we will be taking the ‘Sunday Night Crew’ for a hot supper and drinks courtesy of tutor2u and there will be free minibuses for colleagues who need a speedy getaway to the train station on the Monday afternoon.

Make provisional bookings here

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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