Exam Support

Live Revision Sessions for A-Level and IB Economics

Geoff Riley

3rd April 2023

Over the Easter break, we are running free daily revision livestreams for all Year 13 A-Level Economics students.

Make sure you have subscribed to the tutor2u YouTube channel so you can get involved! Here are the links to the five sessions this week.

Each session is at noon (12.00pm) and will last for around 30-35 minutes.

Monday 3rd April
Costs, Revenues, Profits & the Shut-Down Point

Tuesday 4th April
Economics of Inflation

Wednesday 5th April
Externalities and Market Failure

Thursday 6th April
Balance of Payments

Friday 7th April
Micro & Macro of Trade Liberalisation & Monetary Union

These sessions provide students with opportunities to test their understanding, build analysis and evaluation skills and add application into their revision notes.

Full recordings of each session will be available on the tutor2u YouTube channel after each live event.

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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