
Less Globally Connected Than Before?

Graham Watson

20th December 2012

The financial crisis has had implications for all areas of economic life; however, one of the most profound has been on international trade. This is encapsulated in the fantastic Global Connectedness Index compiled by DHL - who, given their coverage of the globe are pretty well placed to observe changing trends in globalization.

The survey gives a fascinating insight into exactly what globalization is and is a great counterpoint to the view that ever-closer global integration is inevitable. Indeed, the report suggests that we are currently seeing a less globalized world.

The report is available here:

DHL Global Connectedness Index

Perhaps slightly 'heavy' going for the time of year; insightful nonetheless...something for 'Boxing' Day?

Graham Watson

Graham Watson has taught Economics for over twenty years. He contributes to Tutor2U, reads voraciously and is interested in all aspects of Teaching and Learning.

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