
Labour Peer attacks free care for the elderly

Geoff Riley

3rd February 2010

This is a really interesting comment piece by the Labour Peer and Economist David Lipsey who attacks the government’s plans for free care for the elderly. It builds the case that offering free care will generate a number of unintended consequences and risks leading to government failure. It could be a useful article to include when teaching health care and government intervention.

“Every now and again governments pass laws that make you think they must have lost their marbles. Think of the Poll Tax and Dangerous Dogs Bill. But these errors by past administrations pale into insignificance beside the grotesque folly of the Personal Care at Home Bill, which is being debated in the House of Lords….....You don’t need to be much of an economist to know that if you reduce the price of something to zero, the quantity demanded will rise. As Adass also points out, the effect of free care will be that large numbers of people who are at present managing with the support of friends and relatives will start claiming for paid-for support…..”

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Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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