
Knoema: ‘The Youtube of Data’

Ben White

10th May 2012

I have found Knoema incredibly useful for collecting data and imagine it would be an excellent site for teaching colleagues and researchers, particularly with its focus on Economics. The Guardian’s data team have a good article on it today.

‘Launched in April 2012, it aims to be the ‘Youtube of data’ and is marketed by its creators as “your personal knowledge highway”, combining data-gathering with presentation to create an online bank of socioeconomic and environmental data-sets. The website’s homepage shows a selection of the topics on which Knoema has collected data. Among the categories are broad fields such as economics, commodities and energy, but also more specialised collections such as (useful for Development Economics) Africa

The wealth of data is outstanding and I’m sure it could be of use to teaching colleagues in Humanities subjects or pupils looking to develop their research skills.

Ben White

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