
Jim O’Neill - The Growth Map: Economic Opportunity in the BRICs and Beyond

Geoff Riley

22nd November 2011

Jim O’Neill the Chairman of Goldman Sachs Asset Management has a new book published early next week and it looks like being a tremendous resource for teachers and students wanting to deepen their understanding of crucial changes in the global economy. The Telegraph has been publishing extracts from the book - to have a view please click on the links below:

BRICs should be seen as an opportunity not a threat

BRICs’ rapid growth tips the global balance

China could overtake US economy by 2027

And here is a feature on these issues from BBC Radio 4 Today (22nd November)

First Brics… now Civets in changing global economy

Stephanie Flanders blog: The global financial crisis and the BRICs

We will be publishing a review of the Jim O’Neill book when it is published at the start of December

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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