
Introducing Ideas in Behavioural Economics

Geoff Riley

6th June 2009

As our AS students return to school after their exams, I will be giving my own students a broad introduction to aspects of behavioural economics and nudging them towards seeing how this rapidly expanding branch of the subject can be applied to micro and macro policy issues. A streamed version of one of my presentations can be found below

Behavioural economics presentation

I will be using our VLE to take them through a short series of guided lessons on behavioural issues. The Moodle VLE is good at allowing videos from BBC news, You Tube and other sources to be embedded into student lessons and then prompting them to write short reflective pieces on what they have seen. I will also be getting my students to choose an area of behavioural economics that attracts their interest and then writing a short paper on it - collating a selection of answers and then publishing them internally a a resource for the department.

The VLE will also be used for students to generate a behavioural economics glossary and as a forum for peer assessment and grading of entries.

There is only a relatively short window before the summer term draws to a close, and I feel that the benefits of leaving the A2 syllabus alone for a couple of weeks at least far outweighs the downsides.

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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