In the News
Cinema Takeover: Cineworld buys Regal
Horizontal integration in the cinema industry as Cineworld buys Regal to establish the second biggest cinema operator globally. It is a sizeable bet given increasing competition from online...
Economics News Quiz - 1 December 2017
Here's this week's Economics News Quiz. Good luck!
The rise (and rise) of the unconditional university offer
Are colleagues in other schools and colleges seeing more universities offering unconditional places to students who choose them as firm first choice?
Can extreme poverty ever be eradicated?
The World Bank's definition of absolute poverty is that anyone living on less than $1.90 per day is living in extreme poverty. But is it feasible for extreme poverty to be completely eradicated?
Banks pass the latest stress test challenge!
The Bank of England has published their latest stress test results and even in the most pessimistic scenario, all of the main commercial banks were able to show that they have sufficient capital...
Tencent reaches $500bn market capitalisation
Another milestone for those tracking the changing centre of gravity in the world economy.
Why is Tanzania importing coconuts?
This BBC clip looks at the challenges facing the coconut industry in Tanzania. The country - the biggest grower of coconuts - is facing a fall in coconut production.
Economics Weekly Quiz - November 24 2017
Here's this week's quiz on the world of Economics. Good luck!
IMF warns that era of UK austerity is not yet over
Larry Elliott looks at the latest IMF research that concludes that the future performance of the UK economy isn't healthy and that we're in for around another decade or so of austerity. Building on...
Focus on Productivity
Raising productivity was one of the key aspects of Philip Hammond's budget yesterday. The 'Productivity Puzzle' - namely why the UK's productivity has been lagging for so long - is a supply-side...
Christmas tree prices - blame the GFC!
As I was driving down the road the other day, I was shocked to see the high price of the "real" Christmas trees being sold on the side of the road. As an Economics teacher, I of course started...
Budget 2017 - "Reach the Peak" activity
Here's an activity to see how much your students know about Hammond's latest Budget. The 'Reach the Peak' activity is a 5 minute elimination game, perfect at the start of a lesson. Students are...
Autumn Budget 2017 - Powerpoint presentation of key points
Here's a ready-made simple Powerpoint presentation showing the key points from today's Budget by Philip Hammond for use in classrooms.
Where next for Norway's sovereign wealth fund?
The world's biggest sovereign wealth fund (worth in excess of $1trillion) has proposed dropping its investments in oil and gas stocks.
London's buses to be powered by coffee!
Think coffee powers you in the morning? Waste coffee is being converted into biofuel - today will see some London buses being powered by coffee-based biofuels. This marks the start of a move to...
Singapore's e-sports training academies
A superb two minute video here from the BBC on the growth of e-sports training schemes in Singapore. Annual turnover in the global e-sports market is forecast to reach $1.5bn in three years.
Businesses Switch to Dynamic Pricing
From hotels renting out spare car parking spaces to highly flexible prices in the gym industry Amazon changing price lists every ten minutes, dynamic pricing driven by a world of big data is big news.
Featured Snippets and Information Failure
How much do you trust your search engine? The WSJ investigates the accuracy of the Google Featured Snippet to consider how algorithms are -- and aren't -- working. Students should beware!
Are there any unemployed people left in the UK?
Not according to the Chancellor who has been roundly criticised for a comment on the Marr Programme that - at the very least - appeared to be economically tone-deaf.
UK exports coal power to France as the cold bites
This is an unusual story - we normally 'exporting' pollution with developed economies locating production plants in developing economies. However, in this case, it's France getting coal-fired...