
HS2 Cost Benefit Analysis

Geoff Riley

24th September 2013

 There are lots of resources out there for students and teachers wanting to cover the debate about HS2 - here is a brief selection of video clips on the debate

HS2: 12 arguments for and against (BBC news magazine, September 2013)

The Institute of Directors withdraws its support for HS2. ITV national news report, 27th August 2013

HS2 Rail Project Cost To 'Double To £80bn'
An influential think tank says the cost of the controversial rail project will climb far higher than the Government has predicted.
5:41pm UK, Sunday 18 August 2013

BBC News Night coverage of the economic case (or lack of it) for the £34Billion HS2 High Speed Rail scheme that the UK Government is pushing for to link London, Birmingham, Manchester and Leeds city centres with a 225-miles per hour train

An HS2 far?

Towns and cities set to lose out from HS2 (video: October 2013)

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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