
How to make a million before lunch

Geoff Riley

12th April 2010

News today of a fascinating new show heading to the Edinburgh Fringe this August that may be of interest to business and economics teachers who love their regular trip to Scotland every summer or those who might be tempted to experience the pleasures of the biggest arts festival in the world!

Rachel Bridge is the Enterprise Editor of The Sunday Times where she writes about entrepreneurs and small business. And this August she takes a new show to Edinburgh. Please read on for details.

Thanks to shows like Dragons Den and The Apprentice everyone wants to become a successful entrepreneur –but most people haven’t a clue how to go about it. They are daunted by the time and energy it takes to create a thriving business. This summer at the 2010 Edinburgh Fringe Festival, The Sunday Times’ Enterprise Editor and leading business author Rachel Bridge will reveal the shortcuts to success in her one woman show HOW TO MAKE A MILLION BEFORE LUNCH.

Rachel Bridge will be performing at The Pleasance in Edinburgh from 17-29 August 2010.

Rachel will be giving her hilarious account of getting to know real life entrepreneurs and sharing the tips and secrets she’s identified to business success. Some of her ideas are radical – perhaps you’re thinking of inventing a product from scratch? Or opening a shop on the high street? Or employing a team of staff? Well, don’t. These are three start-up approaches which will seriously lessen your chances of quick success.

If you would like to become the next Richard Branson or Anita Roddick but need some inspiration on how to set up your own business - then this is the perfect event for you.

Rachel decided to do the show when she realised there were Fringe shows about everything except business, even though nowadays everyone wants to be an entrepreneur – so she thought she would plug the gap.

In addition to the daily hour-long show, there will also be a separate ‘Q&A’ session where aspiring entrepreneurs and small business owners will be able to ask Rachel for advice on starting up and running their businesses.

We at Tutor2u are greatly looking forward to seeing Rachel live on stage. Check our blog for details of an informal event we are planning for teaching colleagues in Edinburgh for the Festival.

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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