HOD Opportunity - Econ & Business - King Edwards Bath
8th March 2010
Our good friends at King Edwards Bath have been in touch to let colleagues visiting tutor2u know about a HOD opportunity for Economics & Business Studies from September 2010. You’ll need to move quickly on this one, but its a great opportunity. Some brief details here:
King Edwards Bath are looking for a suitably qualified and experienced graduate to lead this thriving and popular department which has a popular GCSE course and teaches both Business Studies and Economics at A-level. King Edward’s is a very successful school which achieves excellent results. A recent ISI Inspection has praised the School very highly. An ability to offer support to the extra-curricular life of the School would be expected. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.
Contact details for applications:
Applications, including a CV and details of two referees, should be made byWednesday 10th March to:
The Headmaster, King Edward’s School, North Road, Bath BA2 6HU
or by email to