Teaching activity

Higher or Lower? Revenue streams of European football clubs

Peter McGinn

7th February 2019

In late January, Deloitte published their 22nd annual Deloitte Football Money League report. The report profiles the highest revenue generating clubs in world football.

The report highlights how teams such as Real Madrid, Barcelona and the mighty Newcastle United generate their revenue and illustrates the gulf between revenue streams from broadcasting and match day ticket sales. As such it makes for a very useful teaching resource for Economics and Business lessons.

The following activity is an adaption of a classic 'Higher or Lower' tutor2u activity which draws upon some of the data in the report.

The aim of the resource is to explore the differences in total revenue for the clubs included in the report. Four revenue options are presented; total, match day ticket sales, commercial and finally broadcast revenue. The resource can therefore be used to stimulate discussion as to the reasons for differences in revenue streams and the significance of television broadcast revenue, especially for Premier League clubs.

Download the Higher or Lower? Football Club Revenue resource

Many thanks to Jon Clark helping with the macros!

You can also play the activity online below, which uses statistics on the annual overall revenue for the top 20 richest football clubs.

Peter McGinn

Subject Leader for Business and Economics in a North East school. Moderator and examiner.

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