
Google Docs and Economics / Business Teaching

Geoff Riley

1st March 2011

I am sure there are many ways that Google Docs or similar cloud-based programs can be used in encouraging collaborative work in economics and business departments in schools and colleges across the country. I will be discussing some of them at the ICT event in London but here is a link to an open presentation that is in development and to which you are extended a warm invitation to contribute. Just click on the link to view and be able to edit the document!

Ideas so far include:

# Drafting of essays and other written assignments
# Group presentations
# Shareable notes from external presentations and other events
# Forum for group and individual attempts at past paper questions
# Revision press conferences! (Superb for getting students to ask the questions and write up answers!)
# Use Google Spreadsheets to share a revision list/log with your pupils
# Revision exercises and routine notes
# Beat the Teacher! Prepare a document with deliberate errors in it and ask students to make corrections.
# Brainstorming of ideas for presentations and magazines
# Preparatory work for university applications

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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