
Globalisation - Peering into the MIST?

Geoff Riley

1st February 2011

Is Jim O’Neill at it again? A decade or more ago he coined the acronym BRIC for four emerging economies set to reshape the boundaries of power and influence in the global economy. Now he is making frequent reference to another cluster of four countries that together spell MIST. Can students name them?

Whereas BRIC stood for Brazil, Russia, India and China, the new acronym MIST covers Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea and Turkey. O’Neill forecasts that these countries will continue to attract heavy levels of inward investment and they all have a strong growth environment score suggesting pretty fast trend growth and a growing weight in the world economy. All four of them exceed 1% of global GDP in nominal terms and have fast-growing markets for consumer goods and services and rapidly expanding capital flows.

From a EU point of view, the inclusion of Turkey is really interesting, at a moment when it seems that their prospects of accession to the European Union single market are receding. Turkey instead is looking to her near neighbours for enhanced trade and investment relationships.

Here are some background articles

The Guardian: After BRIC comes MIST, the acronym Turkey would certainly welcome

Goldman Sachs Ideas

Wall Street Journal: Beyond BRICs and PIGS

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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