
Global Economy - making it clear

Penny Brooks

2nd November 2011

I have just come across this page on the BBC website which act as a portal, collecting together a variety of stories around a topic, and is therefore really useful to refer students to. It is listed as a Special Report; I am not sure if it is new or not so apologies if you have been aware of it for a long time already; however, if you have not, it seems worth highlighting here.

It is called Global Economy; this page carries sub-headings on the Eurozone, Understanding the global crisis, a selection of 60-second video reports (such as How can countries go bust? and How is the ECB helping out banks?) and links to blogs by Paul Mason, Gavin Hewitt and Stephanie Flanders. There are links to relevant Features and Analysis articles, and to a number of relevant background items. I will be posting a link to it on our school’s virtual learning environment and hope that students will be encouraged to refer to it regularly.

Two other similar pages are worth mentioning here as well. The Special Report on the UK Economy similarly carries links to all the current and recent stories (of which there are plenty!), including again quick links to video and audio reports. And lastly, although it is no longer updated, I would recommend The Battle over Trade. Last updated in 2008, it lacks the topicality of the others; however it carries many stories and reports which give an excellent insight into the changing pattern of world trade, the desire for free and fair trade and the temptation to indulge in protectionism, so serves as an excellent introduction to those topics and to comparative advantage at A2 level.

Penny Brooks

Formerly Head of Business and Economics and now Economics teacher, Business and Economics blogger and presenter for Tutor2u, and private tutor

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