
EU Economics: EU Economy in Charts Jan 2011

Geoff Riley

29th December 2010

Here is an updated twenty five slide streamed presentation on macroeconomic developments in the 27 countries of the EU with a particular focus on the Euro Area and UK/EU comparisons.

The charts look at

Euro Area and UK Growth and Interest Rates
Comparison of unemployment rates
Euro Area and UK Unemployment Rates
Euro-Sterling Exchange Rate
Bond Yields for the PIGS and the UK
Gross Government Debt
Euro Area Unemployment and Growth
Consumer prices diverge in the Euro Area
ECB Interest Rates and EA Inflation
UK and Euro Area Policy Rates Compared
Euro Area, German and UK Fiscal Deficit
Germany: Europe’s biggest economy
Focus on Spain: Property, growth & jobs
Focus on Ireland: Property deflation
Focus on Greece: Sharply rising unemployment
Focus on Greece: Three Years of Recession
Macro Developments in some of Europe’s newer Member States
UK exports to some eastern EU countries
Modest income convergence for ten new EU members
Progress in lifting productivity
Focus on Poland: Improved efficiency and per capita incomes
Demographics: Europe’s Ageing Population
Long term trend in the EU population
Per Capita Incomes for selected EU nations
UK Trade with the Euro Area

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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