
50 Things That Made the Modern Economy
Tim Harford's epic series on 50 Things That Made the Modern Economy is now availably indefinitely through BBC Sounds. Naturally it makes great sense to follow Tim on Twitter

Doing Business in the Great Disruption
In this contribution to a Project Syndicate 2019 special edition on the Great Disruption, ING Chief Economist Mark Cliffe argues that "multinationals should start behaving more like multi-locals" -...

Professor Guy Standing on the Precariat and Universal Basic Income
Guy Standing is credited with coining "the precariat" to describe people in work that offers uncertain pay, hours and overall job insecurity. In this short interview at the Warwick Economic Summit...

ERC's 'Clash of the Titans' - a superb competition for Economics Students
If you're looking for a competition to get your students thinking about applying their economic knowledge to the real world then you should give the Economic Research Council's 'Clash of the...

Recommended Enrichment Reading for Students Applying to Read Economics or Management at University
UCAS applications and interviews are coming up. But, what should students be reading if they want to study Management at University when there isn't a Management A-Level? And what are the Economics...

The New Age of Capitalism
What a fantastic enrichment resource for students - David Grossman's The New Age of Capitalism is a series of ten fifteen minute podcasts.

The Economics of Superstars
Rugby Union’s Premiership season is under way again. Yet another professional sport which operates on the principles of socialism: the money all ends up in the pockets of what we might call the...

CORE Schools Economics Challenge 2018
Here are details of a fantastic new challenge from the CORE Economics team in partnership with the Financial Times. The deadline for entries is the 1st of October.

The Joy of Winning - Game Theory in Action
Game theorists will surely love this programme on BBC Four in which Dr Hannah Fry hails the 20th-century scientists like John von Neumann and John Nash who worked out the science of success and...

Pre-University Tasters at Warwick in London (Economics)
If you are intellectually curious, keen to make new friends, have a thirst for knowledge and wish to test-drive university learning in the heart of London’s cutting edge Knowledge Quarter, then...

Recommended Reading for A Level Economists
A number of new books make it into my personal selection of enrichment and extension reading for A Level Economists.

Women who changed the world in business and economics
The BBC's History Extra Channel has published a listing of one hundred women cited for their notable contributions to the worlds of science, politics and much else besides. Linda Yueh was asked to...
Here is the first of a series of four new economics podcasts from the BBC. Economics with Subtitles is your everyday guide to economics and why you should care. Click here.

Long Read: Travelling along Highway BR-163
Travelling along highway BR-163, this is a remarkable story of powerful agro-food multinationals, the battle against illegal deforestation and mining, communities attempting to build resilience and...

Trade Wars: 250 Years of Economic Theory About Tariffs
In this piece for the Harvard Business Review, Linda Yueh argues that "the greatest economists in history would be wary of imposing import taxes to address a trade imbalance."

Long Read: Al Roth on Market Design
Here is an interviewwith the Nobel Prize winner Al Roth from Stanford who discusses the importance of market design and some of the ethical issues surrounding "repugnant markets."

LSE Economics Society Essay Competition 2018
Here are details of the annual LSE Economics Society essay competition - another excellent enrichment opportunity for ambitious student economists. Deadline for entries is 1st August 2018.

How lab-grown burgers could feed the world
Take a bow Tyler Curtis from Hall Cross School in Doncaster. Tyler is the winner of the Bank of England/Financial Times schools blogging competition with a piece exploring the economic viability of...

Marshall Society Essay Competition 2018
Here are the details of the 2018 Marshall Society essay competition - a superb enrichment opportunity for Year 12 students!
Outstanding! A talk at Google from Professor Ian Goldin from the University of Oxford.