The team at Promoting Economic Pluralism are hosting an event in London next week debating the relative merits of Basic Income and Universal Basic Services. It looks potentially useful for teaching...

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A great example of how to think in different ways to get people to consider the social costs of using a mobile phone when driving.

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Thinking counter-intuitively - this ingenious advertising campaign by-passed a German law which taxed tampons at 17 percent and prompted fresh political pressure to reform.

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Here are details of the 2019 LSE Economics Society essay competition for A Level students. The closing date for entries is the 1st of August.

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Ken Loach's new film "Sorry we Missed You" is s searing follow-up to the much-acclaimed "I Daniel Blake" and focuses on the lives and work of families in the Gig Economy in the North East of...

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BBC Newsnight has produced three special videos to mark the 40th anniversary of Margaret Thatcher becoming Prime Minister. Is the UK economy on the verge of another historic sea-change moment?

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The tanker attacks in the Gulf of Oman have raised fears of a sharp increase in the price of oil. These are currently being offset by worries about a slowdown in the world economy and a drop in the...

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Economic gold - and a great way to pass half an hour. The Guardian's audio long read about the impact of the beef industry on the US, and how it's changed is one for the cognoscenti but it's a...

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Here is a great opinion piece from Morris Pearl in the Guardian on trickle-down economics, echoing J.K.Galbraith's view that the very notion is flawed. His analogy was that trickle-down economics...

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Revolutionary technologies can take decades for their full impact to become clear. The internet may now be heralding the demise of many manufacturing companies.

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This 12 minute video from PBS in the USA is ideal enrichment material for students looking at the issue of how to measure and calibrate changes in economic well-being, a much broader and - to an...

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Here is the trailer for Capital in the 21st Century which comes out in the summer of 2019 and is a film adaptation of one of the most groundbreaking and powerful books of our time by Thomas Piketty.

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Put your revision notes down for 6 minutes to watch this! Why is vanilla so expensive? There is a strong case for saying that the entire A level micro and macro course could be taught just using...

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Here is a conversation between Harvard political philosopher Michael Sandel and Harvard economist Greg Mankiw who discuss the role of government, morality, and markets in public health including a...

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Excellent Newsnight piece on how climate change might be the biggest inter-generational battle of the 21st century. It highlights the issue in the light of protests from many thousands of young...

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The veteran economics journalist William Keegan reflects here on the key events of the eight financial crises involving the UK that he has covered, This is an engaging journey down memory lane for...

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Something here from John Kay's blog that looks at the nature of the corporation and challenges the view that "shareholders own the company".

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Here are some details about a fantastic new addition to the CORE Economics website.

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Bloomberg Business visits Shenzhen the heart of China's tech revolution - a superb nine-minute video guaranteed to stimulate classroom discussion from a growth and development perspective. We meet...

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The Bank of England has a new blog resource here on the history and the future of money - excellent enrichment reading for students and teachers looking the functions of money and developments in...

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