
The Puzzle of Growth - Rich and Poor Countries
Here is a link to a new video from the team at Marginal Revolution exploring some the factors that help explain why some countries remain relatively poor whilst others are successful in the...

Alternative Finance and Information Gaps for Investors
Peer to Peer lending and Crowd Funding has grown rapidly in recent years. It is playing an increasingly important part in raising money for start up companies such as the craft beer maker Brewdog....

Ticket prices, fairness and behavioural economics
Who wants to watch the Scousers play football? Certainly no Mancunian, and probably no self-respecting Londoner. Yet demand for tickets at Anfield, the home of Liverpool FC, is high. Indeed, there...

BoE Competition - St Olave's Survey of Regional Economic Confidence
The economics team at St Olave's Grammar School Orpington are working hard on their presentation for the next round of the Target 2.0 Competition organised by the Bank of England. As part of their...

Growth Miracles and Growth Disasters
Some might take issue with continuing to award Japan the accolade of a growth miracle economy, nonetheless this entertaining short video from Marginal Revolution is a a tidy bridging resource on...
Behavioural economics on Valentine’s Day
A joke blog today. Slightly better than the dreadful economics valentine’s jokes here.

Dambisa Moyo on fixing economic growth
Here's a very recent TED talk from Dambisa Moyo on fixing stalling economic growth. She argues that capitalism isn't creating the growth we need, and in both state-sponsored and market-driven...

Julian Assange, rational choice theory, and the game of Go
IS JULIAN Assange rational? There are no prizes for guessing the responses of most readers to this question. He faces questioning over allegations (which he denies) in Sweden, and he claims that...

Economists must never ignore the human factor
Several members of the Tutor2u teacher community have alerted me to this excellent, thought-provoking article from Tim Garton-Ash on the challenges to Economics as an academic discipline nearly ten...

The power of drug cartels
This TED talk on the power of drug cartels in Mexico is a combination of fascinating and dark material - a powerful insight into the externalities associated with the drug market, as well as an...

What makes us feel good about work?
The importance of wages and other pecuniary advantages to work is at the heart of labour market economics, but economists are also aware of the importance of the many non-pecuniary advantages of...
This week the Beyond the Bike adventurers found themselves in Singapore, and spoke at a number of schools. To complement their trip, we have designed a lesson resource examining factors that might...

The Big Short - Organise an Economics Class Trip!
I saw The Big Short last night - it has Oscar winner written all over it, especially a fantastic performance from Steve Carell. Why not organise a class trip for Economics students? The Big Short...

Tim Harford - How messy problems can inspire creativity
Keith Jarrett had been handed a mess. He had embraced that mess, and it soared - handed an unplayable piano, he crafted a performance that has become the best-selling piano album of all time.

Launch of Microeconomic Insights
Researchers at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University have created a new website "Microeconomic Insights," for better policy. Check it out -...

Christmas jerseys: a great intellectual challenge
What would you buy Jeremy Corbyn for Christmas? Printable answers only, please. But somehow, a Christmas jumper seems appropriate. It would match the 1980s-style shell suit he wore the other day....

The Equity Premium and Low Interest Rates
One for the behavioural finance students out there! What kinds of returns should we expect from risky stocks and shares (equities)?

Marshall Society Economics Conference January 30th 2016
We are pleased to support the Marshall Society at the University of Cambridge as they launch details of their third annual conference. This is always an excellent day out at an event held at the...

Valuing the Future - Why Climate Change Agreement is Hard
The two week long Paris conference on climate change seems to drag on interminably. There are obviously many reasons why such summits find it difficult to reach meaningful agreements. But a...

Causes and Effects of China's Growth Slowdown - Views from Economists
Will the Chinese economy grow permanently at less than 6%? What are the prospects for the Chinese economy and its international impact? A recent survey on Chinese economic prospects for the Centre...
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