
A-Z of Economists Useful for Impressing in your A2 Economics
I've inevitably had to leave some economists out of this listing but I hope this resource proves useful. Just type their name into Google to search for more on the work.
Powa: The Sorry Tale of a British Unicorn
In business, investors are continually looking for the next big idea and in the case of Powa (a British tech start-up), they offered a new way of paying for products through the use of their...

Beyond the Bike - photos of the week
Stuart and Claire are now on the Cambodian leg of the Beyond the Bike journey. Take a look at the images below for some insights into development issues in the area.

The Best Economics Podcast in the World (IMHO)
For the last 5 years I’ve listened to every weekly episode of the “Econtalk” podcast. In my opinion, it is by far the best Economics podcast there is, and I strongly urge all with an interest in...
Economics for the Breaking Bad Generation
First there was Freakonomics, then Soccernomics - now there’s Narconomics!
A discussion on the introduction of market forces for allocating food to food banks.
Rarely have I heard a podcast that in 17.27 mins discusses such huge chunks of the GCE economics course content - highly recommended for A2 Economics students! More tags than Top Shop!
The Grass is Greener on the Other (Privatised) Side
On Thursday the government will quietly set in motion its plans to privatise the Green Investment Bank - with a potential price tag of £4 billion (Source Reuters).

Digitally Disrupted GDP
Gross Domestic Product: three words that can decide elections, influence political decisions, and determine whether a country can keep borrowing or will be thrown into recession. Economist Diane...

The End of the Chinese Economic Miracle
This is a totally must-see short 15 minute film from the Financial Times. China's economic miracle is under threat from a slowing economy and a dwindling labour force. The Financial times...

Crises of capitalism
This is a super enrichment video from the RSAnimate series on the Crises of Capitalism, based on a talk by David Harvey. It's from 2010, but still worth a watch for 10 minutes!

The IMF's assessment of women's impact on business
This great 1 minute infographic-style clip from the IMF outlines the possible economic impact of replacing men with women in senior positions in business across Europe.

Beyond the Bike - assessing the Thai economy
This week's Beyond the Bike resources focus on assessing the prospects for the Thai economy, and the role of communication technology in easing business.

A radical idea for reviving the North
The Head of OFSTED, Sir Michael Wilshaw, warned last week that secondary schools in Liverpool and Manchester were ‘going into reverse’. Too many pupils in Northern towns and cities are simply not...

Innovation in the Collective Brain
A new paper from academics at the London School of Economics seeks to dispel the myth of the heroic grand inventor. Cultural variance and tolerance of diverse ideas together with the size of...

Five Minutes with Robert Shiller
The eminent Yale economist and Nobel Winner Robert Shiller faces five minutes of questions

Why we need a 21st century view of how the economy works
This extended article from the Evanomics website is a superb enrichment piece for ambitious Year 12 and Year 13 students. The piece is written by Nick Hanauer is an entrepreneur and venture...

The Economics of Brexit - Interviews from the NIESR Debate
If Britain leaves the EU, what next for the economy? The National Institute of Economic and Social Research recently held a debate on many of the issues and our friends at Econ Films were there to...

Game Theory and Cameron's EU Deal
The Brussels deal: would Cameron have done better if he had gone to Cambridge?
Market Failure and Akerlof’s Lemons
One of the key factors to cause a market to fail is a lack of information. George Akerlof was awarded the Nobel Prize in economics for his work on the second hand car market. He observed how...
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