
Not Quite Rational Man
If you read a better, more interesting and thoughtful essay on behavioural economics in the next year then I will be surprised! Cesar Hidalgo - notable of course for his work on information and...

The Evolution of Money with Ann Pettifor
Money makes the world go round: but what is it really?
Robert Shiller writes in the Guardian about the reasons for the current economic stagnation. He argues that uncertainty, both short-term and long-term is adversely affecting spending. The latter...

Abbot's Maths Problems are the Tip of the Iceberg
Diane Abbot’s car crash of an interview on LBC radio hit the headlines. Asked politely but firmly for the numbers and costings of Labour’s plans on the police, her answers varied wildly from...

What does the public think of economists?
Michael Gove famously said during the Brexit campaign that people “have had enough of experts”. Certainly, the outcome suggests that many were sceptical of the doom-laden economic projections of...
William Keegan provides an overview of the conduct of monetary policy since the 1970s, and it's worth reading, in that it highlights the changes, from prices and incomes policies through to the...

Does Economics Still Work?
A BBC World Service programme asks whether is economics still a useful way to make sense of and predict events? Features Professor Wendy Carlin from UCL who has been at the forefront of reforms to...

Welcome to Communicating Economics
Great to see Bob Denham and Romesh Vaitilingam launching their new project Communicating Economics. Here is an introductory video and you also can follow them on Twitter @econcomms

RES Essay Competition for 2017
Any school students studying UK GCSE, A level, SQC Intermediate 2/Highers or International Baccalaureate (IB) courses are invited to write a unique essay of between 1,000 to 2,500 words, on a...

Marshall Society Economics Essay Competition 2017
Here are details of the 2017 Economics Essay Competition being run by the Marshall Society at Cambridge University.
Ten years ago, the financial crisis began to grip the Western economies. During the course of 2007, GDP growth slowed markedly everywhere. By the end of 2008, output was in free fall. A key theme...

Industry Evolution - Why Most Businesses Fail
Is setting up a micro brewery a licence to print money? This month, a private equity company acquired 22 per cent of BrewDog for just over £200 million, netting a neat £100 million for the...

Martin Wolf on Elites versus the People
In this talk at the 2017 Warwick Economics Summit, Martin Wolf, Chief Economics Commentator at the Financial Times, talks about the state of democratic capitalism today and its impact on the future.

How to Get People to Always Reply to Your Emails
If you are interested in behavioural policy and interventions in the area of health then you might want to have a look at this short talk from David Halpern, CEO of the Behavioural Insights Unit.
Here is a truly superb and often hilariously funny talk from Stephen Pinker about making prose understandable to the reader you wish to reach. This is clearly true in economics exams when time and...

Origins of Money - To replace taxes not barter
Money was not created to replace barter, as most historians suggest, but to boost trade that rulers could tax. This new theory of the origins of money is presented by central bank economist Vincent...

How uncapping the Swiss franc led to more car accidents
Soaring franc causes Swiss shoppers to pop across to Italy each morning – while Italian workers head in the other direction. A strong franc increased daily traffic at the Swiss border as shoppers...
How the razor introduced us to two-part pricing
Another excellent addition to the 50 Things That Made the Modern Economy series, as Tim Harford highlights the impact of the disposable razor on the modern economy. However, it's not so much the...
Did you know that in 2016 organic carrots were removed from the CPI calculation in 2016?

Get Savvy With Systems - Doughnut Economics
The launch of Kate Raworth's new book Doughnut Economics is supported by a series of short videos outlining some of the major themes of the book. The Guardian carried a major article from Kate...