
Do globalisation and world trade fuel inequality?
A hat tip to Will Haines for spotting this superb enrichment article in the Guardian from Jeffrey Frankel.

Are we asking the wrong questions about inequality?
A Nobel Prize-winning economist thinks we’re asking all the wrong questions about inequality. A great read from Professor Angus Deaton of Princeton.

In Conversation: Robert Reich and Joseph Stiglitz
The former Labour Secretary Robert Reich has a conversation with Professor Joe Stiglitz about the rules of the game for the global economy.

The Best 15 Economics Research Papers of 2017
A sublime selection of some fascinating economics research papers published during 2017. The chosen studies capture many key concerns of 2017, with subjects ranging from opioids to gender...

Marshall (Economics) Library Advent Calendar 2017
A lovely idea from the Marshall Economics Library at Cambridge University - an advent calendar of famous economists!

Game of Theories: The Great Recession
Our friends at Marginal Revolution have a new video looking at four different theories of business cycles and what they might say about the Global Financial Crisis and the Great Recession of a...

Behavioural Economics: Do Tube strikes make Londoners better off?
Do Tube strikes make Londoners better off? At first sight, the question is simply absurd. The answer is “no”.
Sunday evening TV and Victorian Economics
Sunday evening for many of us is reserved for last minute lesson prep and homework. If so you may be missing out on some brilliant Economics lessons wrapped up in an irresistible period drama. The...

RES Economics Essay Competition 2017 - Results
The RES has announced the results of the 2017 Economics Essay Competition.

How Richard Thaler Changed Economics
In this special edition of More or Less, Tim Harford explores the ways in which Professor Richard Thaler has changed the subject of Economics.

RIP Monty Hall
The game show host famous for the (counter-intuitive) Monty Hall Problem passed away recently at the ripe old age of 96. Here are some resources on a problem beloved of many university interviews!
A red-hot topic in economics is randomised controlled trials (RCT). Esther Duflo, who has really driven this idea, has surely put herself in pole position for a Nobel Prize at some point.

Try the Uber game!
Can you make a living as an Uber driver? Try this new Uber-game from the FT!

The End Game for Fossil Fuels
Here are some notes and related links from a stunning talk given tonight by Dieter Helm, Professor of Energy Policy at New College, Oxford.

10 Years After the Financial Crash with Alistair Darling
Fantastic stuff! A brilliant section of an interview with former Chancellor Alastair Darling.

The Demise of Northern Rock with Robert Peston
A shortened version of an interview with Robert Peston the events surrounding the collapse of Northern Rock.

See Dr Graham Gudgin lecture on 'Has the Economics Profession got it Wrong on Brexit?' for free - 3 October 2017
Our friends at the Economic Research Council have informed us that there are free places for teachers and students to see renown academic and Economics expert Dr Graham Gudgin, tomorrow night (3...

Why study Economic History?
Anton Howes introduces us to his new course at KCL and, in doing so, provides a lovely justification for all economics undergraduates to study some economic history as part of a broader curriculum....

51st thing that made the modern economy
There is much debate about which invention ought to become the 51st entry to accompany Tim Harford's new book! Economists at Deloitte have produced their selection and it is a terrific read...

Key Facts of UK Business Geography
Here is a major new analysis from the LSE on the changing geography of industry in the UK. It identifies a small number of high productivity hubs - Britain needs more to sustain improved...