
Embedding BBC Video Clips into Moodle

Geoff Riley

23rd May 2009

It is straightforward to embed BBC and You Tube video clips into your Moodle VLE. Here is a brief illustrated guide to the process.

1/ First find the video clip you would like to embed on BBC or You Tube. Not every BBC video clip can be shared in this way but an increasing number can.

2/ In the example below I have chosen a feature on a looming crisis in the Chinese banking system - click on share and then select Embed. If embed does not appear this is a video that cannot be shared on a blog or VLE course.

3/ Click Embed and then click copy code

4/ Then go into your Moodle VLE site and scroll down to find the place where you want the video to appear

5/ Remember to have Editing turned on!

6/ Click on add new resource - create web page

7/ A set of web page dialog boxes appears - give your video clip a suitable title and perhaps a brief explanation

8/ In the html page click on image that says ‘copy html code’ which turns on the text editor (it is the image to the right of the ‘abc’ spell check

9/ Paste your copied code from the BBC into this and then click save

10/ This will now mean that the video is downloaded into your site and will play when a user clicks on it


Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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