
Economics Quiz - teeing off this September

Jonny Clark

21st August 2011

This September marks the twentieth anniversary of the start of my teaching career and in a determined attempt to make sure that my next ‘first’ lesson is different from that genuine first session (although A levels were harder in those days!) I’ve devised this short-ish introductory quiz with a golfing twist.

It’s a fairly simple concept. The attached Powerpoint file has a nine-question multi-choice quiz (there is a practise question as well). The students answer each question one at a time but have the objective (like golf) of trying to score the lowest possible score. They can choose to answer the question in one go (an Eagle), or say that the correct answer is one of two possible answers (to get a Birdie) or say that the answer is one of three possible answers (and get a par score). If they still get the answer wrong then they get Bogey scores. Have a look to see what I mean - it will all make sense when you run the file.

The questions are introductory Economics questions to see how much the new students have been paying attention to the news or the world of Economics in general. Some are straight forward and some not so - putting the new students into teams always helps break-the-ice or add a nice dynamic to your lessons. The attached file has all you need - the final two slides are sheets for you to print off. One is for students (their worksheet) and the final sheet for you to keep scores!

Good luck if you are starting out in teaching for the first time this year. Look out for the tricky bunker on the third.

Jonny Clark

Jon Clark has been teaching economics and business studies for over 25 years primarily in the Further Education sector. Before joining tutor2u, he was a senior manager at South Cheshire College in Crewe.

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