
Economics Q&A: Does the UK economy achieve a trade surplus in anything?

Geoff Riley

6th January 2011

The answer is yes! Although the British economy has overall run a large deficit in the balance of trade in goods and services for many years, if we look a little deeper underneath the trade statistics we can reveal a comparative advantage in a number of industries. Many of them are in the service sector which - as a whole - has generated sizeable and growing annual trade surpluses for the best part of two decades.

Britain’s global competitive advantage tends to lie in high value added manufacturing industries - for example precision steel products, aerospace and pharmaceutical products, along with a raft of business, legal, financial and creative services. Indeed the UK tops the global league table for the annual value of exports of creative goods - revenues drawn from the sale of TV series overseas and from exports of books from UK publishing houses, films, live music and theatre tours and events.

For 2009 as a whole

Trade balance in goods -£82,365m
Trade balance in services +£49,277m

Data for 2009 shows an annual trade surplus (£billion) of
• £8bn in chemicals (organic and inorganic)
• £7bn in medicinal products (pharmaceutical)
• £5bn in mechanical engineering products
• £4bn in architectural and engineering services
• £2bn in research and development industries
• £2.5bn in legal services
• £0.7bn in iron and steel
• £0.5bn in beverages (drinks)
• £0.4bn in advertising & market research
• £0.3bn in textile fibres
• £0.3bn in metal ores

Set against this there are some huge annual trade deficits. In 2009 for example the UK ran a trade deficit of over £21bn in electrical products - from iPads and laptops to irons and toasters and a £12bn gap between exports and imports in clothing and footwear.

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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