
Economics at University: Conditional Offers

Geoff Riley

13th February 2012

Here is my latest updated version of conditional offers in Economics for a wide range of UK universities. I am grateful to colleagues from many schools who have helped with recent news of conditional grade offers. I am happy to revise as and when new information becomes available

General Background

Economics can be studied either as a single honours subject or in combination with other subjects (these are known as joint honours courses). Check carefully to see what options are available. Thousands of students each year combine Economics with Maths, History, Geography, Law, Philosophy, a Modern Language and also Politics, Engineering and Management.

Course requirements vary by institution and these can change from year to year – you are advised to contact the university department concerned for precise information before applying. Further details are likely to be given out at the official university / faculty open days

For many of the top courses, a top grade in Further Maths is recommended to give your application a stronger chance. For single honours Economics it is rare to apply without an A grade in single Maths.

Conditional Offers and Recent Advice (updated: February 2012)

For competitive courses in 2012 – single Honours economics will require at least one A*at A2 – probably Maths. You are strongly advised to take Further Maths for Cambridge, UCL, Warwick, LSE and Oxford Econ & Management

Bath: Typical offer: A2: A*AA, Mathematics and Economics A2 is required at grade A or above; AAA offer Business Administration (Sandwich)

Birmingham: Typical offer: A2: AAA, GCSE Mathematics grade A if not offered at AS or A2 level; AAB for Business Management

Bristol: Typical offer A2: A*AA including AAAA in C1, C2, C3 and C4. For Economics and Management: AAA including AAAA in C1, C2, C3 and C4. For Econ and Finance A*AA offers made for 2012. Likewise - Economics with Study in Continental Europe (4 years) A*AA. Economics and Politics AAA including A in C3 and C4 Maths

Bristol is more likely to make you an offer if you are studying Further Mathematics within the context of four recognized A-level subjects. Some pure mathematics (mainly calculus) is needed for econ theory which is compulsory in the first year (1/6th of the first year course). Most of the mathematics will not be harder than you would find in Further Maths A-level

City University: Typical A2 offer: Economics: AAB

A-level Maths is essential for those applying for entry. The vast majority of offers for economics at Cambridge require A2 grades of A*AA but for 2012, St John’s College made offer in Economics of A*A*A (in Maths, Further Maths and Economics. Clare College made offer of A*AA (with A* in Maths or Economics)

Each college adopts a different entry procedure: all have interviews (one 25-30 minute subject specific, one 15 minute general), some have tests: TSA, Maths or a comprehension/ submitted work.

Cambridge require you to submit AS module scores and as a rule of thumb you should be scoring at lest 93% in each of your AS module units. In December 2011, at Selwyn College 8 successful applicants (out of 89) averaged 97.1% across their top 3 AS subjects

Cambridge is looking for students with the intellectual curiosity to investigate contemporary and historical patterns of economic behaviour, and a wide–ranging interest in the evolution of the global economy. You should also have good quantitative skills and an interest in applying mathematical and statistical tools to the analysis of economic issues. Their Tripos system is flexible – e.g. you might study Law or Management Studies in 3rd year

Typical offer A2: A*AA. Economics BA (Honours) and for Business Economics; For Combined Social Sciences (Econ + Geography) typical offer is A*AA

You will need an A* in Maths for Economics but don’t bother applying for PPE if you are doing Double Maths as they think this shows too narrow a focus. Durham’s PPE admissions advisor wants students to be taking four A2 subjects. If you aren’t taking four subjects to A2, consider applying for the Combined Social Sciences degree which has more places and is fine with 3 A2 subjects. You can study the same modules as the PPE

Edinburgh: Typical A2 offer: AAB: Single Honours Economics: Maths: Maths AS or A-level desirable.

Exeter: Typical A2 offer: Economics A*AA: Selectors prefer applicants to be offering grade A at GCE A level Mathematics. They also prefer to see subject combinations which demonstrate both analytical and writing abilities. Economics and Politics offer: AAB; Business and Management offer: AAA

Leeds: Typical A2 offer is AAA for most Economics options including Management. You must have A/A* in GCSE Maths; AAB for Economics and Maths

London School of Economics (LSE): Further Maths is a must for Economics L100, but it is not necessary to have studied even single Maths to apply for Economics and Government. LSE put a HUGE emphasis on the UCAS statement. They make 2.5 offers for every place they actually have

Manchester: Typical A2: Economics AAB, Development and Economics AAB; Economics and Finance AAB

Newcastle: Typical A2 offer: AAB excluding General Studies. GCSE Maths grade A and English grade B

For the BA and BSC Honours Economics: Typical A2 offer is A*AA and for those taking four full A2 subjects (not including general studies) A*ABB. An A in Maths at GCSE is required.
For Economics and Econometrics an A in A2 Maths or equivalent is required
Economics with Hispanic Studies (4 years) A*AA; Management Studies: AAA

Oxford (Economics and Management):
Typical A level offer: AAA. Candidates are required to have Mathematics to A-level. For Oxford, candidates’ work experience and “extended projects” almost irrelevant - they read the Personal Statement excruciatingly carefully
TSA exam is crucially important for Oxford E&M and also for PPE (read below):
They look at your public exam grades and your TSA score and your school reference, and by using “regression analysis” they produce an “algorithm”, from which they give each candidate a score. They then rank all the candidates. The TSA is the major component here
When final decisions are being made about marginal candidates, it is all about the interviews and the personal statement

Oxford (PPE): Typical A2 offer: AAA (Maths and History are helpful but not essential)

Queen Mary London: Typical A2 offer: Economics AAA

Royal Holloway: Typical A2 offer: Economics: AAB; Economics with Politics: ABB

Southampton: Typical A2 offer: 3 A level subjects: AAA including A level Mathematics; 4 A level subjects: AABB including A level Mathematics at grade B or above

St Andrew’s: Typical A2 offer for single honours Economics is AAA

UCL: Typical A2 offer for Economics: A*AA in the first sitting, to include grade A* in Mathematics (and grade A in Economics if taking this subject), plus a pass in a further subject at AS level.

Warwick: Typical A2 offer: A*AAB - For applications to ‘L100 Economics’ or ‘L112 Economics and Industrial Organization’ you must obtain a minimum grade A in A2 level Maths. A*AAa for those taking 3 A2 subjects

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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