
Economic Spinners

Jim Riley

2nd December 2012

Sometimes I find students can find it difficult to apply their knowledge to a given product or company so I have developed a paper spinner which creates a fun and engaging way of randomly creating scenarios which the students can then apply their knowledge to.

The paper spinners are easily created by following a short clip from YouTube (link posted below) and once they are created the students then select four random companies or products to place on each of the sections. The teacher will also have a list but of the different topics such as opportunity cost, demand shift or consumer surplus. Then all the students spin their spinners they have created to select themselves a product or company and then the teacher can select a topic or get a student to select one (just to keep everything randomised) and then the students must then make the link between the topic and their product/company. It throws up some very interesting scenarios and get students really thinking about the course content but also applying it. Its interesting to get feedback after each round and students are very forthcoming with their ideas about their combinations.

How To Make Paper Spinner

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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