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Economic Development - Benefits and Costs of Peru's Blueberry Boom

Graham Watson

27th April 2023

To what extent is Peru's shift to blueberry production a good thing from a development perspective. Peru is now the world's largest blueberry exporter as they start to take advantage of an emerging comparative and competitive advantage.

"Peru is the world's third largest producer, behind only China and the US, and the top exporter with more than $1.36bn (£1.09bn) worth of blueberries sold overseas last year."

Yes, it provides an income and boosted GDP and employment in the short-term, but the success of the crop has attracted more farmers and driven down the price of blueberries, so is it a sustainable development strategy. You might look at the potential benefits as well as the drawbacks.

Graham Watson

Graham Watson has taught Economics for over twenty years. He contributes to tutor2u, reads voraciously and is interested in all aspects of Teaching and Learning.

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