
Economic Cycle in Images

Geoff Riley

22nd June 2009

We didn’t quite have time at the Economics Conference to develop this resource developed by Ruth using ideas drawn from the our delegates but I am sure there is huge mileage in experimenting with this image-based exercise linking different stages of the economic cycle to pictures sourced from creative-commons galleries. The trick I suspect is to find some really good leading and lagging indicators - although these tend to change over time! The resource can be used in many different ways - for example converted into a click and drag resource for an interactive whiteboard, or using old-fashioned but thoroughly effective techniques such as a print out (in colour?) some A3 paper (or even larger) and a healthy dose of Pritt stick or clear tape!

Don’t forget - Ruth and Amanda are busy planning their new-style AS economics training days for this Autumn.

And our web-based day for Economics teachers passionate about using the net as a source of teaching ideas is in Cambridge at the superb Moller Centre in November - full details will be posted up in the next few days.

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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