
Development Economics - a great class starter!

Ben Cahill

11th May 2011

Africa is generally a focus for developmental economics but how well do your students know the 53 countries that make up the African continent? This exercise makes for a great starter and you can challenge your class to get a certain percentage correct in the allowable (ten minute) time limit.

The game can be found here. I put the page up on the board using the projector and fill in the answers on my laptop as the students call them out. They do not need to know where the countries are, just that they exist in Africa. The website will automatically place them when they are typed out (but spelling needs to be correct).

The students are usually pretty confident that they can get 75% but it is actually quite a challenge to achieve this.

There are other options, including different continents and even a whole of world quiz as well - the website has the links.

And you may have to check that there is not a map on the wall of your classroom…

Ben Cahill

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