
Developed, emerging or frontier economy - quick quiz

Tom White

17th October 2014

The world's economic order is changing. I struggle with labels for groups of countries. Have you heard of the BRICs, NICs, Next 11, CIVETS, MINTS, LEDCs, MEDCs and the Tigers? Sometimes I feel most comfortable talking about rich countries, poor countries and middle income countries (and when I do, I'm careful to differentiate between economic growth and economic development).In the years when several large economies appeared to be catching up with the richer nations, the label emerging markets seemed to fit. Those stuck in poverty were then the submerging markets.I heard a new one (to me) today - a frontier market - it was in an online quiz.

The company MCSI provide financial advice to investors, so their country classification system would appear to be quite heavily biased towards the economy's openness to international investors. According to the Telegraph, frontier markets possess "at least some" openness to foreign ownership, while emerging markets have "significant" openness and developed markets "very high". There is "at least partial" ease in moving capital in and out of frontier markets, while "significant" and "very high" levels in emerging and developed markets respectively.

Have a go at their quick 10 country quiz here.

Tom White

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