
Darling’s Tough Love

Geoff Riley

19th July 2008

Alister Darling’s interview in the Times today was revealing on several different levels. First for confirming that the Treasury is actively looking at altering the government’s own fiscal rules in time for the Pre-Budget statement in November. Second that Darling did not appreciate the extent of the negative fall-out on the real economy from the credit crunch - a crunch which has now reached Crunch 2.0 as it moves from the financial sector to manufacturing and services. And third that, given the parlous state of the government’s own finances - this year will be a particularly difficult one and tough choices will have to be made on spending priorities

”“So every chancellor has to be conscious of the fact that there’s a balance to be struck between how much you can spend, and how much people will say, ‘OK, if you’ve another pound to spend, remember me as well.”

A classic example of opportunity cost to use when the new term starts in September.

The dreadful public borrowing figures are reported here: public borrowing surges

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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