
CORE Economics - resource update

Peter McGinn

4th February 2019

Here are some details about a fantastic new addition to the CORE Economics website.

The CORE website is free to join and there have been previous blog posts about available resources and competitions that the project provides that are available to secondary schools. The latest resource update is sure to go down well with colleagues, especially those delivering Edexcel A.

The CORE team have created a database of Financial Times articles, that are accessible free of charge, under the FT for Schools programme, and mapped them to their CORE ebooks as well as A-Level topic areas. Not only does this provide an easily accessible array of contextualised articles for teachers but also a bank of specific independent reading resources for students. The bonus for Edexcel teachers is that the team have mapped articles to the specification, saving us a job! To access the database of articles, first click here to register and then follow the links to the homepage.

Peter McGinn

Subject Leader for Business and Economics in a North East school. Moderator and examiner.

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