In the News

Consumers are paying too much for energy

Graham Watson

27th October 2017

With impeccable timing, Professor Dieter Helm arguing that we're paying too much for our energy, among other things. I'm currently reading Dieter's "Burn Out - the Endgame for Fossil Fuels" and excellent it is too

Many of his predictions contrast with those within the sector, who often see the future as a forward projection of the past.

A good summary of his main points appears in the article:

"New technologies should mean lower, not higher, costs and much greater scope for energy efficiency...Margins should be falling as competition should be increasing. Yet in this period, households and industry have seen limited benefits from these cost reductions. Prices have gone up, not down, for many customers."

Graham Watson

Graham Watson has taught Economics for over twenty years. He contributes to Tutor2U, reads voraciously and is interested in all aspects of Teaching and Learning.

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