Exam Support
Confusing pairs of key phrases in A Level Economics - have a go at our 'Test Yourself' Activities

15th April 2019
Here's a fantastic activity from our team of contributors who have identified the key phrases that are often misused during A Level Economics exams. As promised in February, we are now making the full versions of this activity available to students.
Examiners have frequently commented upon how students appear to be confused over the definition of some key phrases and often mix them up. In these activities, we have identified over 60 pairs of micro and macro phrases that get confused regularly by students.
Using an online 'flip card' approach, students test themselves on their understanding and knowledge of the phrases. They are presented with two key phrases and must identify the difference between each phrase. After revealing the answer, they can assess themselves and review their progress at the end of the activity.
This activity could give students a fantastic boost in their preparation for upcoming exams.
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