
Collusion in the Classroom

Ben White

8th October 2011

Today we played a variety of ‘prisoner’s dilemma’ games with my U6th economists, highlighting the game theory element of oligopolistic markets. (A nice mix of collusion between the pupils was apparent, coupled with the usual cheating on agreements and back-stabbing – always fun to have in the classroom!)

Throughout the lesson I interspersed a few clips demonstrating how aspects of game theory can be applied to different events:

The decision game in ‘The Dark Knight’

The bar scene from ‘A Beautiful Mind’

A final scene from The Good the Bad and The Ugly (demonstrating if you have better information you can make the ‘correct’ decision – pupils may need the background of why Clint makes the decision to shoot ‘Angel Eyes’ first)

A final game from ‘Goldenballs’. What would you do?

If colleagues have any other clips to further illustrate one of my favourite areas of Economics teaching then please do share.

Ben White

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