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China and Green Development - How China Plans to Win the Future of Energy

Graham Watson

21st March 2022

The Bloomberg video looks at the implications of China's commitment to net zero by 2060, and how it will have to reshape its energy infrastructure to be able to achieve this ambitious goal.

China is a bit of a paradox: it's the world's largest polluter, and simultaneously the largest investor in green energy and the largest market for electric vehicles.

This is a fantastic overview of China's recent economic history, explaining how Chinese growth has been so remarkable, and the negative externalities associated with this growth, as well as the implications for climate change, and its pivot towards tackling its environmental problems.

China and Green Development - How China Plans to Win the Future of Energy

Graham Watson

Graham Watson has taught Economics for over twenty years. He contributes to tutor2u, reads voraciously and is interested in all aspects of Teaching and Learning.

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